ISIS offers mobile solutions to your company!We work with high precision.We have years of experience in automation!ISIS knowledge can streamline your operation!We have experience in many different industries.ISIS erbjuder mobila lösninger till ert företag!Våra system hjälper er skapa kvalitativa produker.

ISIS Industriell Styrteknik

The focal point of our business is made up of specialized expertise in control systems, communications, control, positioning, operator systems, HMIs, etc.. We are also authorized system integrators for CITECT and InTouch SCADA system.

Previous projects

  • Magnusson Petfood
    Magnusson Petfood is a Swedish dog food producer, competing ...
  • Water Treatment Plant
    SFI, located in the Malaysian state of Sabah on the western ...
  • L76
    Line L76 is an annealing line at Outokumpu Stainless AB in A...



Webserver in TIA
Mostafa made a new YouTube film where he shows how to configure a web server in TIA-portal here


New YouTube movie
Mostafa configures a PID controller in TIA-portal here


SQL4Automation on YouTube
Mostafa talks about SQL4Automation here

Corporate Philosophy

ISIS Industriell Styrteknik AB has since its start in 1988 established itself as a strong name in the industrial automation, process industries as well as general industry. The burning interest in automation combined with extensive knowledge and ability to listen to the customer has contributed to successful projects around the world. ISIS values the customer's needs and develop systems with high reliability to meet desired needs. We strive for good customer relations where service and maintenance of systems valued after implementation. We also carry a responsibility towards the environment on which sustainable development is valued at ISIS both at the office as well as of the developed system is implemented at the customer.

Upcoming courses

Vecka 38

Simatic S7 grundkurs TIAportal
Simatic S7 grundkurs med Lennart Lindqvist i Simatic S7.

Vecka 44

Simatic S7 grundkurs
Simatic S7 grundkurs med Lennart Lindqvist i Simatic S7.

Vecka 49

Simatic S7 grundkurs TIAportal
Simatic S7 grundkurs med Lennart Lindqvist i Simatic S7.

ISIS Industriell styrteknik
Tel: +46 (8) 544 407 70
ISIS Industriell Styrteknik AB